Yearly Amount $492.00
Balance due January 1 of each year. Account is late after February 28th of each year
Contact Innovative Management Services for Exact Balance
HOA Assessments and Resale Certificates managed by Innovative Management Services at 713-863-1910
Mail Payment (Check only) to:
623 W 25TH ST
Houston TX 77008-1903
HOA Office Location:
2806 Trailing Vine Rd, Spring TX 77373 (Located inside Liberty Park)
Regular HOA Meeting:
1st Thursday of Each Month, 7pm at the HOA Office
HOA Office Hours:
8a - 3p , Monday - Friday
Annual Meeting and Elections:
1st Saturday in December, 10a - Noon, at the HOA Office
TLUD Community Center and Meeting Facility:
1906 Naplechase Crest Dr, Spring, TX 77373
TLUD Meetings
2nd Thursday of each month, 6p
Timber Lane Utility District Web Site: https://timberlaneud.com/